
Finish Well: Closing the Story Loop For Your Clients

It’s confession time.

You know how much we love the Storybrand framework.

✔️We encourage you to think about being the guide and not the hero.

✔️We talk about opening a story loop in subject lines of emails.

✔️We help you talk to your clients about experiencing success and avoiding failure.

But we haven’t always pushed you to close the story loop. 

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What happens after a client is served, a donor gives, or a customer shops? Too often, we end the story at the proverbial cash register. We’ve convinced them to buy or give or sign up, and then we stop telling the story.

This leaves a whole mess of unresolved tension.

Anticipation, excitement, hope. These are great emotions, but they are almost impossible to sustain. They beg to be resolved into joy, fulfillment, or confidence (for example).

Have you ever heard someone play a musical scale and end on the 7th note? Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti–

It’s maddening. Even physically painful. When you stop telling the story right after your client takes action, you’re doing the same thing.

Resolve the tension, celebrate the success, help your clients live out the transformation.

Take Action: Questions to Consider

→ How are you playing the guide for your clients after they take action?

→ How are you helping your hero experience the success you promised them?

→ How do you close the storyloop?

Looking for some help putting this into action? Set up a call and let us know what’s got you stuck.

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